Project Name:


What materials and software will you use to create this project? 

Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Flash.

What skills will you learn or refine by creating this project?

I will refine squash and stretch, conceptual animation, and basic laws and principles of animation.

What artists or art movements will you explore for inspiration?

Squash and Stretch, exaggeration.

What resources will you use to learn how to create your project?

The computer, the software and online search to figure out anything i need that i dont know.

Write a paragraph briefly describing your proposed concept:

Itll be that kind of bumper animation, its definitely a short story but theres so much going on its like watching jack jack attack, you know theres gotta be a movie (The Incredibles) because theres some kind of assumed character traits. I wanna use the cute little elephant ive been drawing in everything as my main character. I wanna give him cat like traits ill probably write out what i wanna do and chances are ill add in more than i wrote down on the storyboard.

Include a few inspiration images to help illustrate your idea:


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