16mm Film

Sorry about all the extra time in the beginning when they split up my video from others that came back in the digital transfer, all that was added to the beginning. I will refine -> add a personal critique list to my next blog post. STAY TUNED.



Project Name:


What materials and software will you use to create this project? 

Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Flash.

What skills will you learn or refine by creating this project?

I will refine squash and stretch, conceptual animation, and basic laws and principles of animation.

What artists or art movements will you explore for inspiration?

Squash and Stretch, exaggeration.

What resources will you use to learn how to create your project?

The computer, the software and online search to figure out anything i need that i dont know.

Write a paragraph briefly describing your proposed concept:

Itll be that kind of bumper animation, its definitely a short story but theres so much going on its like watching jack jack attack, you know theres gotta be a movie (The Incredibles) because theres some kind of assumed character traits. I wanna use the cute little elephant ive been drawing in everything as my main character. I wanna give him cat like traits ill probably write out what i wanna do and chances are ill add in more than i wrote down on the storyboard.

Include a few inspiration images to help illustrate your idea:


Jewelry Making

Today’s Essential Questions: What is the definition of critique? Why is it important to critique? 

A critique is a form of constructive criticism and questions that are used to assist the artist at hand. Critiquing helps the artist to see flaws and new ideas they may not have thought about.



First day struggless

Today’s Essential Questions: Which elements and principles are most relevant to our project? How can the use of design elements in a 2D media be important to the design of a 3D object? Why is it helpful to research and plan a project?

I am having many difficulties but i promise ill get it.

Makin lines is most relevant to the project because the world is made up of many lines and shapes. 3D can be a product of multiple 2D images. This helps to start small and get bigger and more complex. dat thingy


Although, I know that the comment was about racism, which makes sense, I am not sure that its all that meant. I think its ignorant to say that all Basquiat was about was combating racism. I feel that this quote also touches on someone wanting to breakaway from the same art and same people with that form of art. Lets be honest, he wasnt exactly sheltered from a stable living standard so he knew art, he was intelligent, and so seeing the same old thing every time you turn around makes you wanna break out with something new. Now, again the quote is mainly about racism, tired of the domination over the art world, but also he was tired of the same, not-so-impressive standard art work that every other white guy is doing, being the bases of what people think when they hear “visual art”. Basquiat’s work made people uncomfortable because the people who chose to spot-light his work wanted something different probably just as much as he did. If theres one thing you can say about America is that historically, if people lose interest, they are looking for something to substitute that entertainment which is why Hollywood stars are huge for a little while and “eh” the next day. Because his art made people feel something it wasnt just some random thing on a page it was odd how much it tasseled with your psyche. It was like Basquiat was in touch with a side of his brain (that most people would love to say they could do) that allowed him to express himself in terms of what he actually felt, which related to that inner feeling with other people. Now those who were still doing that normal “fruit-bowl” observational pieces were most likely uncomfortable because they just finished a piece that was ascetically correct and detailed, but now what use to get you noticed no longer means anything because its boring to the public. I think Basquiat had somewhat of a typical, “work up from nothing, gain enemies because of human selfishness, and loosing people because of hope in a life and career that other people cant understand” (I.E. his girlfriend)). But when it came to Andy Whoral i think Andy wanted to be a part of something, to promote himself, but as they got closer it was a much closer relationship. Basquiat probably felt that Andy may be the one person who helped him see both sides of the art world, to hear about the experience he wont get because he was black. Than also i think it has something to do with the fact that, them both being successful there was no longer that wonder of “is he using me because i am now successful and have money?” because what would Andy need his money for. I think Andy helped him see things clearly, his girlfriend in the beginning helped him wanted it more and made him work harder for it due to her disbelief, and his father drove him to it in the first place. I think Basquiat committed SOCIAL suicide when he grieved. Leaving the stage for even a second made the world look away for a moment, and never look back. When he got back into the game they told him he was old news. And again i see that connection between every celebrity, drugs and success, which balances out to death. The fact the Basquiat had plans that day make me think he didnt commit suicide or overdose, but also what he had planned for the day made me think it was that “out on a good note” last day plan. I can argue both but at this point the tension i got toward the end of that video made me believe otherwise.


In my Common Place Dance Project efforts I’ve found that showing a more interesting side of something people do everyday may be where my interest lies. My characters will have to be experimented on before the final decision will be made. I feel as though the most interesting actions are what people do, to past the time while walking around and what some see that others miss while completing these actions. Therefore, the environment will be people walking generally anywhere with space to walk. Costumes will be street clothes and props can include but are not limited to: cell phones, music playing devices, and a pen/paper. There will be around 4 people again exact choice in people might take visual experimentation bu my hope is to have at least one male and female one being interactive in the environment  and another not being as interactive. I will need a camera because i did not bring mine from home.

Shot List:

1) Girl 1 on her phone (texting)

2) Girl 2 listening to music interacting with the environment

3) Boy 1 writing on a paper

4) Girl 3 completely interested in the environment and looking around.

5) Boy 2 thinking extremely hard

6) Above view of characters about to walk by each other

7) Close view of them walking by each other some not even noticing all the interesting things around them

8) Girls 2 and 3 stopping to stare at something everyone else walking away

9) Above view of all the characters (again but walking away)

10) Girl 2 (headphone out in hand) turns head to look at girl 3

Final Project/Artist Statement

During this project I think the only issues that constantly prevailed was time and memory. It seems as though I have forgotten how to use the software after only a few months; since using Photoshop last, however it became beneficial to me seeing as during my post assessment, I wouldn’t have been able to ask my, “brushing up” questions as I did today. I very much enjoyed this project; finding beauty in the mundane seems to be a topic I like a lot, actually if only I’d have had more time to prefect it with photos in other places (even out of Rochester like say… NYC XD). Not many had to be edited (thank gosh), but I actually liked how the majority of this stuff worked and how the quality came out. I didn’t edit Franny and Bea’s picture because I loved how Franny’s skin turned out, she has a very well lit complexion in that picture. Agree or Disagree I very much liked how this projected turned out for me.