
In my Common Place Dance Project efforts I’ve found that showing a more interesting side of something people do everyday may be where my interest lies. My characters will have to be experimented on before the final decision will be made. I feel as though the most interesting actions are what people do, to past the time while walking around and what some see that others miss while completing these actions. Therefore, the environment will be people walking generally anywhere with space to walk. Costumes will be street clothes and props can include but are not limited to: cell phones, music playing devices, and a pen/paper. There will be around 4 people again exact choice in people might take visual experimentation bu my hope is to have at least one male and female one being interactive in the environment  and another not being as interactive. I will need a camera because i did not bring mine from home.

Shot List:

1) Girl 1 on her phone (texting)

2) Girl 2 listening to music interacting with the environment

3) Boy 1 writing on a paper

4) Girl 3 completely interested in the environment and looking around.

5) Boy 2 thinking extremely hard

6) Above view of characters about to walk by each other

7) Close view of them walking by each other some not even noticing all the interesting things around them

8) Girls 2 and 3 stopping to stare at something everyone else walking away

9) Above view of all the characters (again but walking away)

10) Girl 2 (headphone out in hand) turns head to look at girl 3