Final Project/Artist Statement

During this project I think the only issues that constantly prevailed was time and memory. It seems as though I have forgotten how to use the software after only a few months; since using Photoshop last, however it became beneficial to me seeing as during my post assessment, I wouldn’t have been able to ask my, “brushing up” questions as I did today. I very much enjoyed this project; finding beauty in the mundane seems to be a topic I like a lot, actually if only I’d have had more time to prefect it with photos in other places (even out of Rochester like say… NYC XD). Not many had to be edited (thank gosh), but I actually liked how the majority of this stuff worked and how the quality came out. I didn’t edit Franny and Bea’s picture because I loved how Franny’s skin turned out, she has a very well lit complexion in that picture. Agree or Disagree I very much liked how this projected turned out for me.