Final Project (artist statement)

My story is attempting to show a mystery/action scene going through a warehouse all the props or background stuff was souly in there to make it more sketchy-warehouse-like. So im including boxes random animals, keep out signs, trash cans ect. also frannys “gun” is gonna be more of an implied gun (since the school has a policy). This particular project was inspired by the show warehouse 13, combined with just about every detective show ever XD the foreground wall was completely made from scratch and i spent a lot of time on that wall alone creating the depth, side, and moldings. the rest are just things you’d typically find in a warehouse also the picture of franny i took myself and the gun is just a blurr but your very aware of what it is. The room its self along with the boxes and a bunch of random warehouse stuff were things i found online. Also, i through in the red slippers on the witches feet just to celebrate wicked coming to rochester and because i thought it was funny. The only challenges i faced were simply things that i just needed to get use to because ive never really used photoshop. when i see this project i get anxious but more because i couldnt find more practical things to go into the warehouse; so others, i feel, wouldnt see that but im sure theyd feel like something was off about the picture. Starting the project today id probably look for more boxes on the internet to make the warehouse look crowded but not too much.



Digital Storytelling Concept

The idea for this project was more of a mystery/drama idea in my head, a character going through a warehouse all the props or background stuff was souly in there to make it more sketchy-warehouse-like. So im including boxes random animals, keep out signs, trash cans ect. also frannys “gun” is gonna be more of an implied gun (since the school has a policy) and so other than that costume will basically be normal clothing with a vest to make franny look more dectiv-ish.

characters: franny as the detective.

background: warehouse, boxes, ect.

props: implied gun

costumes: normal clothing w/ vest


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Animation Project

Animation helps to trick the eye into seeing things move when they are either moving fast or simultaneously your eye will do what it does with light (since pictures are a product of reflected light off a surface) and it will merge images as if you were seeing them in the same plane. The computer animation helps to use a few drawn characters or scenes to make more animated films in half the time. Personally i liked the flip book but just out of the possible comical energy i cant pull from it. I’m generally excited for this project since i really wanna go into film in college.