College Majors Interests

I plan now on three to four colleges, RIT now being 1st choice and yet in 2nd place to if i miraculously get into USC, and New York film academy or UCLA as my third interest. I’ve always been into film and animation, but id like to direct so i plan on getting the knowledge for all aspects of film, sound, lighting, script writing etc. The RIT majors that will allow me the best knowledge for is its 3D Digital Design or straight up film and animation.



3D Digital Design (3DDD) prepares students to design using three-dimensional computer graphics for game art and design, virtual worlds, augmented reality, medical and scientific simulations, data visualizations, motion and broadcast graphics, architectural and engineering modeling, instructional multimedia, projections, museum exhibits, and more. The curriculum integrates traditional art and design skills, the utilization of commercial 3D software, and design principles related to time, motion, and lighting. Students also study research methods and a range of problem-solving principles, and develop critical thinking and creative capacities. Most important, as a graduate of the 3DDD major, you will have the ability to adapt to the constantly-changing needs in order to create 3D models, renders, and simulations for a wide variety of industries.

Most people in this major go into game technical art and virtual reality design. This includes animation which gives insight into animation. companies that hire are places like Microsoft, Apple, Disney, Pixar, Nickelodeon etc… I’ve always loved film and the power one can have by manipulating people to feel what you’d like them to so i know this is the career for me. Also, i feel confident in my skills in this field.




Plan of study

The MFA in film and animation offers four options:

  1. 2D animation concentrates on traditional forms drawn by hand, a mixture of both traditional and digital, or all digital origination. Students may concentrate their studies on stop motion puppet animation.
  2. 3D animation courses focus on advanced 3D modeling, lighting, texturing, and animating in a 3D space.
  3. Production allows students to develop and refine their creative approach to fictional narrative, documentary, and experimental work.
  4. Screenwriting is an opportunity for students to complete short films with a concentration in creating feature length screenplays.

All four options require two years of course work and a thesis project. A complete film is required of all the first year students, a complete film or script is required in the second year, and a more ambitious thesis film or feature length script is required in the third year, which is a part-time student status focused only on the thesis film.

I mostly plan on going straight into film studies which is a major that includes almost all design majors. This could bring my initial desired career in directing. Just about any company with a Film intent would require my degree and area of soon to be expertise. I’ve always loved film and the power one can have by manipulating people to feel what you’d like them to so i know this is the career for me. Also, i feel confident in my skills in this field.

My Rochester (10th Post)

My view of Rochester is beauty, while many of my class mates said that they wanted to capture the ups and downs of Rochester they were as compelled as I to take pictures of the beautiful things of this city. Spending time with good friends and capturing the world around us is the most visually appealing way possible, (and for me doing it in the fall), is what allowed us to only see the good around us. Although it was no help that our school isn’t in the worst neighborhood in Rochester. My photos express the glamour i was seeing in those moments, though it was exceedingly difficult to choose the limited photos we were allowed in the project. This project appealed to my personal feelings of this time of year and Rochester as a whole, therefore it became a matter of capturing my idea of beauty and I’ve done this through leaves and scenery. Although, there are people in my photos there are surrounded by a scenery  that I very much like which is what I feel separates my “View of Rochester” from other photos. These reasons are what motivated me to create this photo essay. Moreover, I feel that through the lighting and pictures themselves that I can fully express the beauty of autumn in Rochester which was my intent, to express the beauty I see in the leaves, scenes, people and changing of the trees.

 I’ve seemed to draw my inspiration for this project from personal experience with walking around the city, seeing all aspects, I choose to see what I want to see, and so I select what I wish others to see. Throughout this project I generally used the class cameras but some of the photos may be bigger as I have taken maybe two of them from my phone which doesn’t conform as well as the others do. Also, when editing I mostly used, black and white, color balance, contrast and highlights to convey my photos in the direction I’d like them to go in. I highly believe that these variations in color, contrast, etc., made the taken pictures more manipulative upon ones feelings toward the message being conveyed. Walking around Rochester on a normal bases to school, practice, rehearsals and other activities as allowed me to see all the good in a city that can change from good too bad in a few blocks. These experiences have featured both sides of the city but the good, I feel, will always outweigh the bad when it comes to natural grace, therefore its my personal mission to express the things others don’t often see in this city. The leaves, the trees, if I could express the gentle chill in the air it would be my genuine pleasure but it would take more time.

    In conclusion I find that we often overlook the simplest elegance in the world. Francois De Sales once said, “there is nothing so strong as gentleness, and there is nothing so gentle as real strength”, the gentleness of a leaf initials its beauty in the same, the strength in the photos I’ve taken, I feel, lies in the gentle fall season that fills people with chills and breath taking emotions we cant even begin to describe. I’d like my viewers to take ‘passion in their city’ away from my photo essay, the court yard, leaves and simply, photos that captured the essence of this wonderful season being my favorites of that expression.

My View Of Rochester (9th Post)




My partner was katelyn she said that some photos had to be cropped as i agree and she also pointed out the photos that should be in black and white and which photos need to be fixed or enhanced. I told her i was gonna have trouble narrowing my photos down and she gave me some tips. Over all katelyns feedback was quite helpful and encouraging.

Create a second blog post with the following:

  • The feedback you received from the peer critique
  • Before and afters of any photos you have started to edit


My Rochester (7th Post)

  • the best photos  taken today
  • whether or not you think you have enough strong photos to edit and submit 10 for the final project and why

Although i feel as if the photos ive taken are well for the most part to start editing, still i feel as though these pictures dont depict my view of Rochester, alas not completely. There are aspect of Rochester that i have yet to express through my photos but thats more due to the leaves that have barely fallen and the places we havent gone to. Though i feel i havent captured all of my view of Rochester i do have an efficient amount of well done photos to conclude this project.