My Rochester (1st Post)

A few sentences describing potential subject matter you may want to photograph for this project, as well as how you plan to photograph this subject matter

A few sentences analyzing your current strengths and weakness regarding photography, and how you will use these to your advantage in your photo essay


I feel i find my Rochester in my friends and landscapes. Not in the these things themselves but the beauty they hold. like the Fringe fest of the Museum, things like the leaves that descend downtown. The best part about this project is that its during the Fall. Fall is my favorite time of year, beautiful smells and colors, the trees and the leaves that fall, every little thing about this time of year screams its initial beauty, i doubt one could argue that. So far I’ve photographed many aspects of fall, single leaves, flowers upon weeds and the trees i hold so dear, but the thing that strikes me most is how the light shines differently along these things, how the colors that surround us allow you to feel something you cant quite explain but you love it. I seem to have a knack for lighting, although i get frustrated and though the photos almost never come out the way i hope they seem to still turn out well either way. I hope to capture the autumn light the way I’ve always seen it. Also, i find my camera angle to be the way i find most fit and satisfying, weather others feel as i do is not of my knowledge but is irrelevant in the same. Lastly, i plan to specifically photograph downtown during the Fringe this weekend, while they should only complete 1-3 photos of my assignment i do find them to be a vital part to my understanding of Rochester beauty. Rochester’s annual Fringe festival is my favorite part of the year and is in the Fall which as I’ve stressed is already amazing on its own. Although this is only my beginning though process i am absolutely sure this project will be Heaven and Hell for me, i will end up getting carried away and loving the world around me, yet than when it time to make the 12 photo cut i will be more than indecisive.

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