My Rochester (5th Post)

  • The best photos taken today
  • A paragraph describing what went well, anything that you struggled with, and any questions you have regarding this project

The best photo taken today i think were the ones of Franny, im not sure why i just like the pictures i took with her. I find my subject matter went well yet the people walking behind my subject or in the picture which was aggravating. No questions so far but this project really did catch my attention. I like it so far.

My View Of Rochester (4th Post)

  • the best photos we took today
  • a few sentences describing what you were successful with and what you still find challenging about photography


The best photo i think that was taken is the landscape-ish one in the bottom right corner. Im not sure why i just love it for some reason. today for the most part i think i had clear subject matter and adequate lighting. Still i feel my  manipulation of the lighting is off like although i like the colors in the top left photo i still feel as if there isnt direct intrest through the lighting.

My View of Rochester (3rd post)

  • Take photos outside for our “My View of Rochester” photojournalism assignment.
  • Create a new blog post with the following:
    • the best photos taken today
    • a paragraph describing
      • how these images represent your view of Rochester
      • what went well today
      • any challenges you faced today

        Although my photos came out with a lot of lighting issues I still feel that the subject was well done either way. These images help to express my view of Rochester because they expose the literal beauty of the city. Of course Rochester, like all cities, have its issues and problem neighborhoods, I should know I lived in problem neighborhoods till I was 15, yet even for someone whose been exposed to the bad in Rochester for a  good majority of my life Id still like to think that the pictures I’ve taken show the true beauty of a city with so many issues. Again I feel my subjects went well but whenever I am able to edit them I hope to fix the negative things about these photos such as lighting and contrast.

My Rochester (2nd Post)

Although Rochester has its issues and I’m consistently frustrated with the system, the school board, the poverty, the lack of student appreciation and money in the schools that desperately need it, its not  what I’m choosing to center on, while I’m sure we can all agree this is a problem. Yet, the reason i love Rochester is because of all the good its brought to me. Because i had to walk downtown to the RTS buses to get home after school activities, is the reason i was exposed to the beautiful parts of the city, had it not been to issues id never have loved Rochester as i do now. I don’t see Rochester for the bad it has inside it, i know its there and that its a problem but id like to think i focus on all the captivating parts of Rochester. Even i am surprised not to take part in this opportunity to make a scene of whats truly wrong here. Still, with a title like “My Rochester” i hardy feel like the entire city should be portrayed through the issues it has within it, but for all the good we take from it. The glass is in fact half full, but to say that empty space cant be filled would be an insult to the glass itself.

My Rochester (1st Post)

A few sentences describing potential subject matter you may want to photograph for this project, as well as how you plan to photograph this subject matter

A few sentences analyzing your current strengths and weakness regarding photography, and how you will use these to your advantage in your photo essay


I feel i find my Rochester in my friends and landscapes. Not in the these things themselves but the beauty they hold. like the Fringe fest of the Museum, things like the leaves that descend downtown. The best part about this project is that its during the Fall. Fall is my favorite time of year, beautiful smells and colors, the trees and the leaves that fall, every little thing about this time of year screams its initial beauty, i doubt one could argue that. So far I’ve photographed many aspects of fall, single leaves, flowers upon weeds and the trees i hold so dear, but the thing that strikes me most is how the light shines differently along these things, how the colors that surround us allow you to feel something you cant quite explain but you love it. I seem to have a knack for lighting, although i get frustrated and though the photos almost never come out the way i hope they seem to still turn out well either way. I hope to capture the autumn light the way I’ve always seen it. Also, i find my camera angle to be the way i find most fit and satisfying, weather others feel as i do is not of my knowledge but is irrelevant in the same. Lastly, i plan to specifically photograph downtown during the Fringe this weekend, while they should only complete 1-3 photos of my assignment i do find them to be a vital part to my understanding of Rochester beauty. Rochester’s annual Fringe festival is my favorite part of the year and is in the Fall which as I’ve stressed is already amazing on its own. Although this is only my beginning though process i am absolutely sure this project will be Heaven and Hell for me, i will end up getting carried away and loving the world around me, yet than when it time to make the 12 photo cut i will be more than indecisive.

Lighting- Color/ Black And White

  • What did you learn about photography and lighting today?
  • What (if anything) will you change about the way you take photos in the future to ensure quality lighting?
  • Do you prefer your photos in black and white or color? Why?
  1. I learned that lighting is everything. The lighting is what compliments the photo, without good lighting you no longer have a good photo. Having good subject and background is only half the battle, lighting is what allows those things to be expressed in a pleasant way.
  2. In the future i plan to use lighting to my advantage. On the contrary to getting stressed about the lighting i will angle and move my subject/ camera to where the light benefits my photo.
  3. Although i love black and white i am in fact a color maniac. Color expresses part of the photo that induces imagination of other senses, smell, feeling ect. Black and white photos give you a numb feeling. The bland feeling of black and white photos render me unsatisfied.


Line, Shape, and Space!

  • What are some ways your photography skills have improved over the past few classes? -I feel like i have seen more things to take into account of what good photos can look like.
  • What are some things you still struggle with? – Proper lighting for the most part its difficult to angle the camera to the light and still get the results i want.
  • Which of the elements you photographed today (line, shape, space) was the easiest for you? Why? -Shape, i loved the shape of the leaves and getting close in and showing their beauty.

Which of the elements you photographed today (line, shape, space) was the most difficult for you? Why? -Line, line seemed like it could be everything and nothing at the same time. It was quite confusing but challenging.



Subjected Photos

I’m not quite sure what went well in my photos. It could possibly be the lighting or other contributing factors in any sense. Although the fact that my subject was pure white made it more essential to worry about lighting and it seems as if the result of such matters turn out generally pleasing. I used a personal key chain of ‘Bay-max’, a character from the recent oscar-winning film “Big Hero6” which made the photos adorable yet difficult to manipulate. Still, as all came together i felt confident in the photos I had taken.

Bad photos


poor composition, people are randomly placed.

The top left is a cliche photo its an often taken photo. Top right is a photo with awkward objects in the background, specifically the cars. Middle left is a blurry photo, its blurry. Bottom left is crooked, because its a crooked photo. Bottom middle is a photo without clear subject matter, because its just a bunch of stuff. And the last one is poorly exposed because the face is at the bottom of the photo and it just looks off.

First Day


1. What do you hope to accomplish, learn, or create in Media this year?
2. Whose is responsible if the computer crashes and your project disappears? What will happen?
3. How will you back up your work?
4. When is food allowed in the Media Lab?
5. List the circumstance under which I may refuse to offer you extra help:
6. List some easy ways to gain participation points:
7. List some easy ways to lose participation points:
8. Do you have access to a digital camera (this includes a cell phone camera)? Do you feel comfortable using this camera for class projects?
9. If you have been in my class before, list some advice for people who have never had me as a teacher:
10. If you have never been in my class, list some ways I can help you succeed in this class:

  1. Id like to go into directing and movie editing so with this class im hoping to learn the necessary things for editing photos in terms of light and cultivation. Therefore, for this class id like to learn skills ill ultimately use in my future. This (here’s hoping) will be will help me get ahead in the field id like to pursue.
  2. I am responsible for both computer crashes and if my project disappears. Its my job to take care of the things im using or working on. Yet, im guessing if something does happen id have to go to Ms. Lawson.
  3. To back up my work i will save periodically. Computer cashes happen often and im aware of that, therefore i am responsible. I could also back up my project on the computer itself.
  4. Never! Computers are sensitive.
  5. If im slacking be straight up with me i respond better to brutal honestly.
  6. Blogging, taking photos and class work.
  7. Not blogging, being disrespectful, and actually participating just messing around.
  8. I feel good about using cameras in class but i still might be exceedingly nervous for a little while. I dont own a camera and my phone doesnt have any room to take photos or anything of the sort 😦 so i wont have another choice.
  9. I haven’t been in your class before.
  10. Again, brutal honestly is always the best way to get me to do what im suppose to or if u feel im not progressing. I feel pretty passionately about any kind of modified computer of digital art so i think ill do okay in this class in terms of success.